Take care of yourself 💚

September 1st, 2021

I've been catching up with people (virtually of course!) over the past couple of weeks and a lot of us are overwhelmed, feeling out of control and struggling with the lockdown. There have been tears, anger and some fear.

Take care of yourself, and find those things that bring you joy and then find time to do them. Your future self will thank you.

For me, that is a walk daily with my dogs (or dog - if the older one wants to stay in her bed LOL). 

It's eating well - as I can be prone to resorting to junk food when I'm feeling flat. I have to add green veggies and salad to my diet to be my best.

It's sleeping well - which can be tricky - as I can go through periods where I wake up several times a night. For that, I have a worry mouse who is about 10cm tall and stays under my pillow - gifted to me by my girlfriend Donna and made by her Mum 🤗 (thank you). If I wake up, I ask my mouse to hold everything I'm thinking about so I can sleep and promise her I'll take those thoughts back in the morning. I know - it sounds weird - and it works! I get back to sleep.

It's taking time out from working and reading a few pages of a novel - or if it's gripping, several chapters!

It's talking with my family and as much as I can while avoiding Covid conversations.

What are your self-care strategies?

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