Full stop new chapter.

December 14th, 2022

I wish you a very happy festive season. I hope whatever you are doing is relaxing and re-energising. You deserve it after all the good work you have put in this year.

How has your year gone? Has it been energising or draining?

I set myself another challenge at the end of 2021 to walk 2022km in 2022 (which meant averaging 5.4km / day for 365 days). I did this same challenge in 2021 (and walked 2021km). 

I also threw in some extra challenges, like doing a Port Phillip Bay swim. And though I love swimming, I discovered I dislike Bay swimming. Good to know. 

Now I'm again considering a challenge for 2023. Though I'll still walk every day - it's not a challenge if I've done it easily twice before.

To set you up for 2023 - I'm resharing a post I made on Linked In - where I described my logo. And it's timely to mention it again. 

My logo is my initials and then ends with a full stop.

Maree B Logo

In conversation, I often say 'full stop, new sentence'. Meaning I want to segue into a different conversation. Or I might say 'full stop, new paragraph,' meaning this is a new topic altogether. It's a nice way to say - let's move the conversation in a new direction.

The power of the full stop also comes into my work with leaders (both 1:1 and in workshops) and with teams. Most of my work involves a change of some sort - moving individuals and groups through change. This means stopping something they used to do and starting something or doing something in a new way. It's the full stop.

As we race to December 31, ready to celebrate the New Year, think about the full stop as the start of a 'new chapter'.

  • What will 2023 look like for you?
  • What new skills are you planning on developing?
  • What is the new story you will be telling yourself?

What do you need to stop doing? What do you need to start doing? And what are you planning to continue doing?

Here's to a fabulous 2023.

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