As a manager, are you operating from the tip of the iceberg, or deeper down into the base?

August 10th, 2022

I’m often asked to run a one-day team day or a couple of half-day workshops for teams to 'develop the team' or make them 'more collaborative' to lift overall engagement, accountability, and performance.

And while that’s important it’s pretty shallow. It's difficult to create lasting change in four or eight hours.

I liken this to an iceberg. We know that what you see above the waterline is only 8-10% of an iceberg. The real power is at the base, deep under the waterline.

What I know is that most companies need

  • engaged managers
  • predictable performance
  • empowered teams

For engaged managers, the question is “how the company can make sure they have the right managers in place with the right skills to support and get the best out of their teams?”

How do you do this when you bring new managers into your organisation, or promote people into management roles?

The next goal is predictable performance. The question here is “how can you help emerging managers shift the organisation from situational overwhelm to productive control and how does every new manager reduce overwhelm rather than add to it?”

And the third goal is empowered teams. The question here is “how can we get our managers to create a sense of purpose, urgency and accountability with their staff so they operate effectively?”

What would it mean for you and the organisation if you hit these three things in a big way? If you were on the front foot with all of these, what would that mean for your business, or your project or your program of work?

I believe hitting these three goals means there are more memorable managers in the organisation than micromanagers. Memorable managers are those people who positively impact someone’s life and performance in a way that person remember years down the track. This is deep in the iceberg work.

These memorable managers bring a level of wisdom to your organisation and achieve truly exceptional success.

Having more managers like this in the organisation and fewer micromanagers is what matters.

I’d love to hear how you are building towards these three goals, and creating more memorable managers, having more:

  • engaged managers
  • predictable performance
  • empowered teams

Feel free to download the first two chapters of my book Level Up, to find out more about creating memorable managers.

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