As a leader, to build exceptional team performance, begin by investing in yourself.

June 27th, 2023

In the realm of business, individual development through one-on-one coaching is often considered a rarity.

One contributing factor to this rarity is typically the associated cost of coaching.

As a mid-level manager, you may be relatively new to your role or have held it for some time and believe that coaching isn't generally supported or funded by your organisation, leading you to neglect enhancing your leadership skills.You might have been promoted to this leadership position based on the skills and expertise demonstrated in your previous role.

The catch is that the abilities that brought you success in that previous role are not the skills required to manage a team effectively.

With this in mind, how can you unlock your capability and discover hidden strengths for yourself and your team?

Exceptional leadership means elevating yourself and your team to reach higher performance levels.

Your personal development plays a crucial role in achieving this objective. And sometimes, that means investing in yourself.

But if you’re unsure where you might need help, click here to complete the Exceptional Team Scorecard to determine how your leadership and management skills fare by assessing yourself.

This simple assessment is a great place to start identifying how you rate yourself and find the areas that need your attention. There are three levers: Capability, Connection, and Catalyst, each with three accelerators. These must be in place to create a fulfilling and profitable workplace.

What investments (of time or money) are you making to build your leadership skills and develop your team?

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