Your LEADERS make the difference.

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Your LEADERS make the difference.

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The meaning of my message is what you understand, not what I think I’m saying. Diving into the meaning of

Everyone holds a different picture or shape of something in their head. To communicate effectively, the trick is to work

Our ability to see, hear, feel, smell, taste and touch enriches our experience and can turn reaching our goals from

December is a time, as the year draws to a close, to reflect on what 2018 has meant to me.

The way we talk and the words we use can either include or exclude people. I’ve been running knowledge sessions

Avoiding words that trigger us by implying blame and encouraging language that helps us learn from failures creates safety to

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Level Up

Level Up

How managers can learn to do less and be more. A book about leading at the right level.

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Connecting Us

Connecting Us Mockup Stack 01

This is your personal guidebook as a leader to building high performing teams.

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The XX Project

The XX Files by Maree Burgess

Giving women the skills and confidence to step up in the corporate world.

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