Your LEADERS make the difference.

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Your LEADERS make the difference.

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During the years I worked for organisations (both large and small), I was fortunate to have several memorable managers who

Not being aware of everything that’s on your mind can be a barrier to taking control of your role. This

Congratulations, you have stepped up into a leadership role :) You wanted this role because you love what you do,

I usually talk about you, as the leader. Today I want to focus on you, as the team member, who

You wanted a leadership role because you love what you do, and you know deep down that you can do

As we settle into a new way of working, flexible working is becoming a permanent feature of the workplace. More

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Level Up

Level Up

How managers can learn to do less and be more. A book about leading at the right level.

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Connecting Us

Connecting Us Mockup Stack 01

This is your personal guidebook as a leader to building high performing teams.

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The XX Project

The XX Files by Maree Burgess

Giving women the skills and confidence to step up in the corporate world.

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